Kristin’s Story

I started Angels for Survivors because I wanted to see a real change happen for today’s survivors as well as their generations to come. The rates of violence are still on the rise and have only gotten worse since COVID. Often times, victims are afraid to speak up and others either want to sweep it under a rug or do not want talk about this sensitive matter. I am here for those that can’t speak up, overwhelmed with fear, or unsure of the available resources to empower them to leave toxic situations. I want them to know they are not alone, abuse is not their fault, and together we can overcome it and have a brighter future.

As a fellow survivor of all kinds of abuse, I know how hard it is to break free and accept that each of us deserve a happy ending even with the trauma we’ve experienced. My abuse first began in my childhood with multiple relatives to a partner in my adulthood. Each form of abuse is horrific and can have a lasting effect on your life if you don’t seek help and find a community that supports you in your healing journey. I was luckily enough to have grandparents who taught me what real love looks like and to find friends to put on smile on my face while encouraging me not to give up.

Once I escaped and started healing, I rediscovered what I wanted, who I was, and the things and people that motivated me in my next chapter. I started loving myself again, appreciating the blessings, and learning how I could give back now that I am on the other side. I hope to be an inspiration for other survivors to understand that it’s worth pushing past each of those fears to see the light beyond the trauma. A4S will be here every step of the way to offer abused survivors resources and be their support team to guide them through the process and celebrate their victories. I can’t wait to see their progress and I’m looking forward to a better world without violence. #breakthecycle #strongerthanyouknow #findyourtribe #dontgiveup #fightback #youreworthit #findyourhappiness